Think Red Ink Ministries Founder
Don Harris
Before I founded Think Red Ink Ministries, I was a man who felt like I had all the answers. I set upon my career as a pastor, thinking I knew what I was doing. While directing a Christian children’s home, I was as typical as any preacher, teacher or radio/tv evangelist out there. I’m not proud of that history now. Then things began to change. For several years, during my early morning time alone with God, I felt that, rather than getting answers to the questions and requests I would present to God – I was being directed to consider answering some questions FROM God to me.
I decided to take a closer look at the messages that Jesus preached all those years ago in Galilee. What I noticed was this: Jesus often attempted to teach his followers by asking questions. And as I tried to answer some of those questions as I discovered them – I found that my memorized “answers” just didn’t fit – they didn’t work anymore.
Somehow, I began to understand that what I had been taught was wrong…(my thinking changed.) At the same time, I found that the doctrines, the rules, the apparently contradictory issues that no one wanted to talk about because they just couldn’t explain them – just vanished or cleared themselves from my head.
The false “traditions of men” and the profit-motivated explanations that have found their way into our everyday lives became exposed and were dealt with one by one through the study of these “red letter” questions – these questions of Jesus that many Bibles print in red ink.
That’s how I began the journey that got me here today. I hope you’ll take the time to critically examine this website. I challenge you to test the statements and teachings that are presented here. And remember, we don’t charge for our materials – because God didn’t charge me for them.
Fondly and Friendly,

Don Harris lived primarily “on the road” for the over 20 years in an antique, 1960 city bus that Don converted himself and lovingly nicknamed “Pokey the Wonderbus.” His journey took him to all 48 contiguous states as well as to Alaska, Canada, Mexico, Nigeria and Israel – though he traveled by plane to visit the last two. In 2012, Think Red Ink Ministries came to permanent rest high atop the Continental Divide in Pie Town, New Mexico where they continue to operate a television, radio and internet studio facility from this very remote and unlikely location in the Southwest’s high desert. From here the challenge to “think red ink” is being broadcast, at no charge, throughout the world.
Don is author of many booklets and pamphlets to help and challenge persons in their walk with Christ. He now has four major publications, a devotional book The Questions of Jesus and Revelations… On Manna and Think Red Ink (Don’s memoir) published by Areopagus Publishing and The Red Letter Questions, published by Bridge-Logos.
With deep sadness we report our brother in Christ, Don C. Harris, died of a stroke on 4/27/21. Think Red Ink Ministry materials and books written by Don will continue to be published and distributed in all possible manners; including, television, radio, and online sites under the administration of Areopagus Publishing.