‘Being a Light for Jesus’: Starbucks Barista Prays for Customer in the Drive-Thru

An Arkansas mother and son recently witnessed a Starbucks barista praying for a customer in the drive-thru.

At the time, Tanya Hinsley and her teenage son went to Starbucks to practice her son’s driving skills since he recently got his driver’s permit. As they waited in line at the drive-thru, they saw the barista, Cassie, praying for a customer at the front of the line.

Hinsley captured the heartwarming moment in a photo and posted it to Facebook last week.

I saw “this lady at Starbucks hilltop PRAY with a woman in the drive through (sic) this morning because she needed it. Now this is worth talking about y’all,” Hinsley wrote.

The post garnered hundreds of likes and positive comments.

“My son and I were having a discussion about how we loved that she stopped what she is doing and was bold in her faith and cared enough to pray with someone,” Hinsley told Fox 10 Phoenix. “This is when I decided to snap a picture but caught the very end of the prayer and decided to share this positive moment in hopes of brightening someone’s day.”

“I was overwhelmed by the end of the day when I seen (sic) how many times the post had been shared, and we loved reading the stories of all of the other people she (Carrie) has blessed just by being so kind, praying for others, and simply being a light for Jesus!” she continued.

Hinsley also shared that she was able to meet Carrie following the viral social media moment.

Carrie’s “heart is full from the kind words, and I think she was blown away,” Hinsley said.

“This act of kindness and boldness in faith given out to others daily by people like Carrie, gives me hope and reminds myself and hopefully others that being kind and praying for someone doesn’t cost anything,” she said. “We never know when something we say can help save someone … literally.”

Photo courtesy: Szymon12455/Unsplash

Milton Quintanilla is a freelance writer. He is also the co-hosts of the For Your Soul podcast, which seeks to equip the church with biblical truth and sound doctrine. Visit his blog Blessed Are The Forgiven.

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