European ministry leaders and pastors hope to finalize the Great Commission as part of a campaign called FINISH 2030.
FINISH 2030, a campaign from the Global Church Network, aims to reach every person with the Gospel message by 2030, the 2,000th birthday of the Church, Religion News Service reports.
“A vision becomes a goal when it has a deadline,” said Dr. James O. Davis, Founder and President of GCN. “One of the reasons the Great Commission hasn’t been fulfilled yet is because we never established a deadline. FINISH 2030 offers a new overarching strategy — one that is synergistic, global in scope and capable of getting the Church to the finish line sooner than we ever dreamed possible.”
FINISH 2030 is also an acronym for Find, Intercede, Network, Invest, Send and Harvest.
“We are living in the greatest time in history, where it is possible to finish the Great Commission in our lifetime. It is time for us to become Great Commission leaders,” said Dr. Timothy Hill, general overseer of the Church of God.
GCN has partnered with more than 700,000 churches worldwide, and at FINISH 2030 Summits, leaders are working toward another goal of training 110,000 pastors in 9 years or less.
GCN currently has 159 Global Hubs of Christianity, with 39 new Hubs set to open in Europe during 2024.
Davis said he hopes to have 640 European Hubs open in less than 10 years.
“The European nations represent some of the most difficult places to plant churches, to network leaders and to equip pastors,” said Dr. Davis. “Meanwhile, the long-established models of training and preparation for full-time ministry cannot keep pace with the unprecedented growth of the global Christian Church, resulting in a significant shortage of trained pastors and ministers.”
Dr. Davis also spoke at a recent FINISH Europe summit, saying, “so many Christian leaders today doubt their beliefs and believe their doubts. It is time for us to doubt our doubts and believe our beliefs. We will claim, climb and conquer our Mount Everest, the Great Commission.”
Several more FINISH summits are scheduled for the next year and a half.
The final summit is the Jerusalem 2030 Summit and is scheduled for June 9-11, 2030.
Photo courtesy: Priscilla du Preez/Unsplash
Amanda Casanova is a writer living in Dallas, Texas. She has covered news for ChristianHeadlines.com since 2014. She has also contributed to The Houston Chronicle, U.S. News and World Report and IBelieve.com. She blogs at The Migraine Runner.
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